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Enterprise Wide Accelerated Problem Resolution - 31 May 2010

Value-4IT & Softlib Partnership Announcement
Value-4IT are delighted to announce their partnership with Softlib and their Enterprise Wide Accelerated Problem Resolution iSolve solution. Michael Moss, CEO of Value-4IT states, “we were flattered to be approached by Softlib to consider their iSolve solution for UK distribution. The iSolve solution is closely aligned to the Value-4IT ethos of lowering TCO perpetually with fair software pricing and a demonstrable short-term ROI”.

Problem Resolution is a key process in any IT organization and iSolve safeguards that the “information is power” sentiment applies equally for all IT users alike, empowering each and every individual, from the End User to the deepest level Support Technician to expedite Problem Resolution and share that information with others. Michael Moss further states, “sometimes in IT we can make it very difficult for ourselves, not necessarily learning the most basic lessons of life; for example, history shows us that pioneering explorers left maps, trails and guides for us all to experience new territories and associated places of interest. This I feel is a good analogy for iSolve, a solution that brings all electronic information sources together, regardless of data type, simplifying and accelerating Problem Resolution, while allowing each and every user the opportunity to share their knowledge with the next person that might be faced with the same challenge”.

iSolve delivers an Enterprise Wide Problem Resolution ability, encompassing all documentation types with intelligent search and associated presentation functionality. iSolve also provides a subscription based pricing mechanism for existing zSeries Mainframe Quick-Ref customers, building on the original Quick-Ref foundations of providing Quick Reference for a subset of zSeries Mainframe technical documentation, by delivering a Rapid-Res solution, that rapidly simplifies Problem Identification and expedites Problem Resolution for all zSeries Mainframe technical documentation. Additionally iSolve provides Enterprise Wide coverage for all technical documentation, whether originated by a vendor, user, customer or other resource.

Michael Moss concluded by saying “surely one of life’s pleasures is problem solving and a Do It Yourself (DIY) mentality, supplemented by the sharing of that knowledge for others to benefit from…”

About Softlib
Softlib is a leading provider of Solution Identification software, enabling customers to reduce costs substantially while improving service to end users and customers. Softlib brings innovative solutions to the marketplace that revolutionizes the way technical support is delivered. Softlib products are used on thousands of computers worldwide. Softlib customers are financial institutions, telecom companies, technology vendors and government agencies. Softlib has offices in the USA, Belgium and Israel. For more information, please visit Softlib.

For more information regarding the iSolve solution, please feel free to Contact Us for a no obligation discussion regarding your requirements. Thank you.
No problem can be solved until it is reduced to some simple form. The changing of a vague difficulty into a specific, concrete form is a very essential element in thinking.
John Pierpont Morgan
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